Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Founding Father Pangalengan Series #1, K.A.R. Bosscha

K.A.R. Bosscha
Born: Den Haag, 15 Mei 1865 - Died: Bandung, 25 November 1928

In Netherlands - generalization discussed - systems and parties are the backbone of the social and economic life, depressed people in Nederland Indische, powerful figures with selfless love for the country and people, restless workers who have permanent problems could exist, men of the act that efficiency in their standard was written, the stamp on the Indische life, so that without their blessed influence Indische society in its development a considerably lower level than would have attained at the beginning of the Second World War could be found.
Those individuals to whom the v.m. Nederland Indische, with all its population groups and layers, creating a lot of thanks has undoubtedly belonged Mr KAR Bosscha. He was one of those colonial workers, "excusez le mot odieux", whose work have built a monument, on which even an offspring, irrespective of what race is, for grateful and proud to be able to keep established. Men, Mr Bosscha tea king of Preanger, and it has him "ereburgerschap Bandoeng" of the city, but it was not all praise and thanks down, which this sturdy laborer in the tropenhof law should apply. As far as the Great Indische Agriculture concerned, he was more than just "King of tea Preanger. As the gray Otto Lander meant for East Java, was in the world planters, Mr. Bosscha for the western part of the island.
They were equally popular in the Nederland Indische agricultural community. In brief us standing at the service, it is not possible to verify all exactly what Mr Bosscha in the interest of the great Indische cultures has made neither a somewhat complete picture of the work of this restless worker in other fields. Writing such a statement would be tantamount to chronicle a very important period, namely the last 3 decades before the Second World War, both in terms of wealth as a political field of v.m. Nederland Indische where his name was associated.
A personality as that of Mr Bosscha can easily be understood by anyone who sincerely love koesterde that Indische, with enthusiasm for his future met, development of land and people are best cared. For love of this great country and enthusiasm for and confidence in the future, dominated the actions of this great worker. He was born in Den Haag, May 15, 1865, the son of a professor at the Polytechnic School in Delft, and was the grandson of the famous minister and historian Bosscha. After HBS to last he went to Delft and left in 1887 to Indonesia, where more than half years he stayed with his uncle, the doyen of Java Tea planters of Kerkhoven to Srinagar and Tjibadak. Then he left for Sambas (Borneo) to enter the service of a gold mining company.
In 1892 he came back in the tea. In 1896 he founded the tea company, Malabar, which he knew to work for a company with a world famous name. But he was also "planter" in the field of Education, the Industrial Hygiene and the ..... He gave the shot to many that for good economic life in Indische in the most positive controlled. If private, as people raadlid as commissioner of corporations and companies, he has new life in many areas and direction and confidence. We recall the dozens of agricultural enterprises, whose emergence and flowering to him were due to his work as a member of the committee responsible for Prosperity and the manufacturing plant, to his work in the People's Council, the Regional Council of the Preanger as director of Nederland Indische Agricultural Syndicate, the Soekaboemische Agricultural Society of which he is chairman region, the Romanietfabriek, the Caoutchoucfabriek, the Jaarbeurs in Bandung. In addition to his work for ""Indiƫ Weerbaar", the technical colleges, the Sterrewacht, the Higher Civil School, the School Neutral and the Municipal Hospital, all in Bandung. Bosscha was an extremely generous man and he gave financial assistance necessary it extremely generous hand.
The Weekly of Indische "was after the elections for the first People's Council in 1918 a special People's number and asked the members to express their views on the new institute. The reaction of Bosscha was short and powerful, as usual and said: "The dawn has come for Indische, now all hands to be team ...."
The Government recognized his merits by appointing him the Knight of the Order of the Dutch Lion and later Commander of the Order of Orange-Nassau. He was a noble man, a selfless citizen, who knew his duties, his duties were more than and restlessness worked with all the power in the interests of the Indische community, white, brown and yellow. We remember him on behalf of this country and Indonesian people with honor and love!
Bron: Tong-Tong nr. 9, 15 nov. 1962

Source : http://www.onzeplek.nl

About Pangalengan

Pangalengan is a place that located in the southern city of Bandung, and some will be famous tourism object, such as Cileunca lake and hot water bathing pool Cibolang.
Pangalengan also known as the area of agriculture, livestock and crops. There are several tea plantations and quinine, which is managed by PTPN. Pangalengan is also a region of cow milk. Milk processing in Pangalengan area and the other areas south of Bandung managed by KPBS (Koperasi Peternak Bandung Selatan).
the area is surrounded by mountains with altitude above sea level between 1000-1420 meters. Temperature between 12-28 degrees centigrade, the air humidity between 60-70%